A Very Special Meeting

If I could meet with anyone in the world, I would meet with our first president, George Washington. I would want to meet George Washington at his home, Mt. Vernon. We would meet in his library and have an in-depth conversation. We would talk about what life was like in the 1700s and I would tell him what life is like now. It would be difficult to explain modern day things like phones, but I think I could handle it. Next, he would walk me around his estate, and he would explain what each place was used for. He would tell me what the Revolutionary war was like, and I would tell him what World War Two was like. Next, I would tell him how much our country has grown, and I think he would be amazed that there are fifty states and sixteen territories. We would end our interesting meeting by talking about the president now, and I know he would be very surprised that our president is black.




One thought on “A Very Special Meeting

  1. Hey Charles,

    That’s cool that you would want to meet George Washington, but wasn’t he a slave owner? Having slaves isn’t cool nowadays, so would you berate him for that? I would want to meet Jackie Robinson, because he is an absolute legend, and he broke down a racial barrier.



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